Paul Valentin

born 1990 in Munich, lives and works in Munich, DE

Paul Valentin's multidisciplinary practice includes video, animation, installation, sculpture and sound. His works deal with paradoxes, philosophical dilemmas and with classical themes of metaphysics, such as the question of truth, the nothing and the form of the world. Predominantly active in CG (computer graphics) based video art, his works refer to the literature of surrealism, romanticism and magic realism as well as to contemporary writings which are to be classified at the border between philosophy and science.


Diploma as master student of Prof. Stephan Huber / Prof. Alexandra Bircken, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, DE

Studies of sculpture and time based media with Prof. Stephan Huber and Prof. Alexandra Bircken, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, DE


Solo exhibitions (selection)

Solid Currents (Various Others 2024), with Lennart Lahuis, Britta Rettberg, Munich, DE

Tacit Call, Britta Rettberg, Munich, DE
LOST ARC, Haus der Kunst, Munich, DE

Doxa, GiG x Lothringer 13 Studio, Munich, DE

Another Room, @park, Britta Rettberg, Munich, DE

Lost Weekend Meets Young Art, with Moritz Riesenbeck, Munich, DE

A Piano Plays In Another Room And It’s Raining, Rosa Stern Space, Munich, DE

Lamb Shift, Maximiliansforum, Munich, DE

Air Into Solid, Karl & Faber, Munich, DE

Nichts, Teufelsberg, Institut für Alles Mögliche, Berlin, DE

Raum 49, with Lilian Robl, Atelier Gregor Hildebrandt, Munich, DE

Blind Carbon Copy, with Kalas Liebfried, Akademie Galerie, Munich, DE

Group exhibitions (selection)

ARS Electronica, Hope, New Animation Art, Linz, AUS

Carrying the Earth to the Sky, Various Others Special, Schillerstraße 38, Munich, DE
HOPE – who will turn the tide, Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, AT
Strahlender Untergang, Gustav-Lübcke-Museum Hamm, DE
Opus MAGNUM, Britta Rettberg, Munich, DE
I’mpossible, Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden, DE

Videodox, 5th Biennale for video art from Bavaria, Galerie der Künstler*innen, Munich, DE
Solar Breath, ERES Stiftung, Munich, DE
True and False – Wirklichkeit und andere Illusionen, Burg Ranfels, Zenting, DE

European Film Festival of Houlgate, Normandy, FR

Oodaaq #12, Rennes, FR

Der Bau. Hommage an Kafka, Museum Villa Rot, Burgrieden, DE

O animal humano e o seu planeta, Goethe Institute Maputo, MOZ

Mana II, Galerie der Künstler*innen, Munich, DE


Kata Komb, Haus der Kunst, Munich, DE
Mana, Verpackerei, Görisried, DE
Videodox, 4. Video art Biennale, BBK, Munich, DE
V2, GalerieFoe, Munich, DE
Around the block (curated by Christian Ganzenberg), Luitpoldblock, Munich, DE

Verzeichnet, Der Mixer, Frankfurt am Main, DE
Drawing Restricted, Rosa Stern, Munich, DE

Karl & Faber Art Prize Exhibition, Karl & Faber, Munich, DE
Nichts, diploma exhibition, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, DE
TACKER, Galerie der Künstler*innen, Munich, DE

Postdemocratic Picture Party, Federal Agency For Civic Education, Bonn, DE
GEDENKTAFEL, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, DE

Jahresgaben, Kunstverein, Munich, DE
ADD FX, Sluice Biennial, London, UK
Push, European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück, DE
Klassen, Steitfeld Project Space, Munich, DE

Noises, Exchange Rates, Brooklyn Fire Proof, New York City, USA
PPP, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, DE
Batzen Brocken Mehr, Karl-Marx-Ring 7, Munich, DE
Unboxing Pandora, Kunstpavillon Munich, DE

Generate Festival For Electronic Arts, Shedhalle, Tübingen, DE
Epodium Gallery, collaboration Munich & New York, USA
Fortran, annual exhibition, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, DE

Marianengraben, Haus der Kleinen Künste, Munich, DE
In a black room with white curtains, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, DE

Awards, grants

Scholarship for fine arts of the City of Munich, HG2, DE

Scholarship for fine arts of the City of Munich, DE

Art Grand Germany, Gallery Depelmann, Langenhagen (Hannover), DE

LfA Kunstkalender, LfA Development Bank Bavaria, DE

Karl & Faber Art Prize, Academy of Arts Foundation Munich, DE

Preis des Akademievereins, Academy Association Munich, DE

Celeste Prize, OXO Tower Wharf, London, UK


AIR INTO SOLID, artist book, supported by Karl & Faber Munich, LfA Development Bank Bavaria, Academy Association Munich, edited by Dr. Anne-Cécile Foulon and Lilian Robl, TULMAN, Munich 2020

Selected Works

Paul Valentin

Tacit Call, 2023

Paul Valentin

A Piano Plays In Another Room And It's Raining, 2022

Paul Valentin

The Dualistic Trial, 2024

Paul Valentin

Quilt 1, 2023

Paul Valentin

Coda, 2024

Paul Valentin

Cinders of Sight I, 2024


Selected Exhibitions

Paul Valentin

Quilt 9 (Off), 2024

3D rendering (animated), hologram frame

17,5 x 12,5 cm