Boban Andjelkovic

Born 1975 in Prokuplje, Serbia, lives and works in Munich

An intensive grappling with issues of pop culture and art history in the neo-expressive painting of Boban Andjelkovic is just as essential as his self-reflective, painterly experience. The artist combines figurative references and an abstract formal language and raises basic questions concerning the meaning of painting as a contemporary medium. His works, sometimes grotesque and unbridled, sometimes humorous, stand in the tradition of “Bad Painting”. At the same time, new aesthetic connections are developed and combined with conceptual approaches. Behind his naïve-seeming depictions lies a critically reflective attitude and an awareness of current social phenomena.


Academy of Fine Arts Munich, DE

Master Student of Sean Scully


Solo exhibitions (selection)

Einmal Weltall und zurück, International Artist House Villa Concordia, Bamberg, DE
sie nennen es Paradies, Britta Rettberg, Munich, DE

Boban @park, Park, Britta Rettberg, Munich, DE

Vienna Contemporary, with Caro Jost, Vienna, AT
und das ist erst der Anfang, Britta Rettberg, Munich, DE

art berlin, with Gülbin Ünlü, Britta Rettberg, Munich, DE

freude, with Gülbin Ünlü, Britta Rettberg, Munich, DE


süperkiss, Zwei Sieben, Karlsruhe, DE

Parisiana, Tanja Pol Galerie, Munich, DE

Calippo, with Hedwig Eberle, Artothek, Munich, DE

Nylon Garten, Lothringer13 Halle, Munich, DE
Unterdruck, with Motoko Dobashi, Raum 58, Munich, DE

Atlantis sind wir, with Raymond Gantner, Weltraum, Munich, DE

Abba, with Anton Bosnjak, Raum 500, Munich, DE

Group exhibitions

Satt, curated by Miro Craemer, Halle der PLATFORM, Munich, DE

Opus MAGNUM, Britta Rettberg, Munich, DE

Poster Campaign, Residenztheater & Pinakothek der Moderne Munich, DE

ON THE ROAD, PF38, Munich, DE

Poster Campaign, Residenztheater & Pinakothek der Moderne Munich, DE
On Survival, curated by Caterina Avataneo, Britta Rettberg, Munich, DE

Summer Show, Britta Rettberg, Munich, DE

Painting Borborygme Show, Marseille, FR
CUT, Rathausgalerie, Munich, DE
I am an artist – a painter, Köşk, Munich, DE

Break on Through, Kasbah, Kornwestheim, DE
Salon de Bobanisme, Superdeals, Brussels, BEL
Farsomagro, Die Scheune, Ludwigsburg, DE
Toy Bitches Fuck You, Galerie Kai Erdmann, Hamburg, DE

#3 Salon de Bobanisme. International Festival des Arts, Munich, DE

In da Hood, Studio Robert Widmann, Munich, DE

#2 Salon International des Arts, Festival de Bobanisme, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, FR
Startupart, Munich Re in cooperation with Lenbachhaus, Munich, DE

Upstream! Edition, easy!upstream, Munich, DE

Salon International de Bobanisme, Munich, DE

Bienvenue, Galerie Matthias Jahn, Munich, DE

Zimmerfrei, Hotel Mariandl, Munich, DE

Pop Hits, Autocenter, Berlin, DE

Neue Tiere II, Galerie im Regierungsviertel/Forgotten Bar Project, Berlin, DE

Halbjahresgaben, Tanzschule, Munich, DE

Grauzone, Kunstarkaden, Munich, DE

Most, LaFabrika, Prague, CZE

Grauzone, Kunstarkaden, Munich, DE

Most, LaFabrika, Prague, CZE

Awards / Grants / Residencies

International House of Artists Villa Concordia, Bamberg, DE

Working Grant, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, FR

Bayerischer Kunstförderpreis, Munich, DE

Karl-Rössing-Travelling Grant, Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste, Munich, DE


Cooperation Residenztheater Munich: Poster Campaign, Corporate Design

Cooperation Residenztheater Munich: Poster Campaign

Selected Works

Boban Andjelkovic

Harte Zeiten für Träumer, 2024

Boban Andjelkovic

In der Matrix schmeckt Wasser wie Wein, 2023

Boban Andjelkovic

Teardrops kiss my lips, 2023

Boban Andjelkovic

sie nennen es Paradies, 2023

Boban Andjelkovic

Jump, 2020

Boban Andjelkovic

ohne Titel, 2023


Selected Exhibitions

Boban Andjelkovic

ohne Titel, 2023

Watercolor, ink, pastel on cotton paper

41,5 x 29,5 cm