Laura Ní Fhlaibhín

Born in Dublin, IRL, lives and works between London and Ireland

Laura Ní Fhlaibhín works with materials related to healing and nourishment. Sifting stories, materials and traces associated with site, memory, myth, narratives of care and the casting of spells, she creates complex but pithy material scenarios. These may incorporate condensed sculptural images, drawings, text, performance and formal gatherings of elements that serve as ritual artefacts and talismans.


MFA , First Class Honours with Distinction, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

BA Fine Art Painting/Visual Culture, First Class Honours with Special Commendation, National College of Art and Design (N.C.A.D.), Dublin, IRL

B.Ed. Education/English Literature, Dublin City University, Dublin, IRL


Solo exhibitions (selection)

Edge of Range, Wexford Arts Centre, Wexford, IRL
BANANA ACCELERATIONISM, w. Sean Lynch, The Complex, Dublin, IRL
Drawings, Laura Ní Fhlaibhín @park, Britta Rettberg, Munich, DE
Painkiller, curated by Seamus Mc Cormack, Commonage Projects, London, UK

Wet Suction Spins Forever, Duo Showhow, Belmacz Gallery, London, UK
Wet wishes, BRITTA RETTBERG, Munich, DE

wishes for a wet warm afterlife by the blue willow pleasure pool, Green on Red Gallery, Dublin, IRL

Slug Love, Luna Elaine Project Space, Southwark, London, UK

Trailblazer, Pallas Project Studios, Dublin, IRL

In the Marl Walled Court of the Fairyqueen, curated by Anne Mullee, Courthouse Arts Centre, Tinahely, IRL

Róisín, silver, rockie, Palfrey Gallery, London, UK
In-between Seasons, Duo Show, Space Union, Seoul, ROK

Group exhibitions (selection)

Staying with the Trouble, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, IRL

Irish Art Now, Embassy of Ireland, London, UK
Three person show, Ormston House, Ireland/EVA internartional, curated by Pádraic E Morre, IRL
Group Exhibition, Gilbert Baye Award, Royal Society Sculptors, London, UK
Group Exhibition, Mermaid Arts Centre, IRL

Footfalls, BRITTA RETTBERG, Munich, DE

HOÓWEN, Living Land Collective, Hypha Projects, curated by Tyler Eash, Mayfair, Frieze Week, London, UK

3D Women: Works That Never Came To Life, Arthub, Deptford, London, UK
Group Show, Solstice Arts Centre, Navan, Meath, IRL

Materials for virtue/Incandescent flare, curated by Ángels Miralda, BRITTA RETTBERG, Munich, DE

Beuys Open Source, Belmacz, London, UK

Society of Nature, Zurich, CH

MEET, Peripheries Space, Gorey, IRL

Gargle, Almacantar Award recipients exhibition, London, UK

Gallery 126, Galway, IRL

Caol Áit, Burren College of Art, Ballyvaughan, IRL

Balm, Goldsmiths MFA Degree Show, London, UK

TULCA, Group Show, Galway, IRL

Deptford X, London, UK

Water jets were used on the 4 corners of the Building, Newington, London, UK

A speech that shows a chair in the middle, Enclave, London, UK

Speak Your Longing, Space Haebang, Seoul, ROK

Living Art Project, Wexford Arts Centre, Wexford, IRL

Foundation 14, Tullamore, Offaly, IRL

‘Precognition’, Talbot Gallery, Dublin, IRL

C30 C60 C90 GO!, NEUE Collective show, The Library Project, Dublin, IRL

Student and Recent Graduate Group Show, Catalyst Arts, Belfast, GB

Periodical Review 3, Pallas Project Studios, Dublin, IRL

Circulation, Monster Truck, Dublin, IRL

N.C.A.D.Graduate show, Dublin, IRL

Cursed, Catalyst Arts Centre, Belfast, GB

Awards, grants

Gilbert Bayes Award, Royal Society of Sculptors, London, UK

Mark Tanner Sculpture Award UK, Shortlist

Culture Ireland funding, ‘Wet Wishes‘, BRITTA RETTBERG, Munich, DE

Visual Artist Bursary Award, Arts Council of Ireland

Culture Ireland funding, ‘Materials for virtue/Incandescent flare’, BRITTA RETTBERG, Munich, DE

Visual Artist Bursary Award, Arts Council of Ireland

Developing Your Creative Practice Award, Arts Council of England

Culture Ireland funding, ‘Society of Nature’, Zurich, CH

Next Generation Bursary Award, Arts Council of Ireland

Material Matters, Collaborative Artlinks Award with Clare Breen, Mary Conroy, IRL

Firestation Artists’ Studios, Residency Award Recipient, IRL

Goldsmiths Almacantar Graduate Studio Award Bursary, UK

Artlinks Emerging Artist Bursary Award, IRL

Burren College of Art Emerging Artist Residency Award, Clare, IRL

Artlinks Emerging Artist Bursary Award, Ireland

Firestation Studios Sculpture Award Bursary, IRL

Artlinks Scholarship for visual artists, IRL

National College Art Design, Dublin, staff bursary for Fine Art Paint Department student


Picnic, public reading event initiated by Agata Madejska and Elisabeth Molin, Flat Time House,
London, UK
Painkiller, talk with Bethnal Green Nature Reserve and Seamus Mc Cormack, The Complex, Dublin, IRL


British School of Rome, Derek Hill Foundation Award, IT

Henry Moore Research Institute Leeds, UK

Tyrone Guthrie Residency, funded by Newxt Generation Award & Wexford Arts Office, IRL

Firestation Artists’ Studios, Dublin, IRL

Superfluous Arts, ‘we are ghostwriters’ collaboration with Leticia Laxon, London, UK

Burren College of Art Emerging Artist Residency Award, Clare, IRL

Catalyst Arts Centre, Belfast, GB


Slug Love, artist book, Luna Elaine Project Space, Southwark, London, GB

Gargle, publication, funded by Arts Council of England, GB

Selected Contributor, Living Arts Project Publication, Wexford Arts Office/Arts Council, IRL


Arts Council of Ireland

Selected Works

Laura Ní Fhlaibhín

all the willows whisper their wishes for you, 2023

Laura Ní Fhlaibhín

caterpillar captain / love pearl mucus sail trails / drooping milk hills and giggling by the blue willow pleasure pool, 2022

Laura Ní Fhlaibhín

a wet warm afterlife by the blue willow pleasure pool with leopard slugs and the egg guardian and vaginal pearl cascades and bends, 2023

Laura Ní Fhlaibhín

A tally of carbon mounts, 2022

Laura Ní Fhlaibhín

Jack, 2024

Laura Ní Fhlaibhín

stirrer, 2022


Selected Exhibitions

Laura Ní Fhlaibhín

Síofra, 2024

Ash wood, plexiglas, horse salt lick sculpted by Síofra

120 x 15 x 15 cm